It is a reality that everyone uses the word “guidance” most regularly in their everyday lives. However, it is the hardest task to characterize and comprehend the idea of guidance in clear-cut words. It isn’t actually a new aspect, and it is as old as our human civilization may be, so to be more clear about the idea of guidance, it is important to know some of the definitions of different authors and guidance experts. They say that guidance is the factor of educational programs apart from career counseling in Chennai, which is concerned especially with assisting people to become adaptable to their current situation and to plan their future in turn with their interests guidance and counseling.
Nature of Guidance:
(i) Guidance itself is education.
Like education, guidance is an interaction that is intended to empower a child or individual to show natural possibilities or respectable characteristics for his or her development, affecting social advancement as well. Guidance and education both pay absolute attention to detail for the advancement of man and child, which is the genuine objective of life.
Inferable from this explanation, it is proven that guidance is likewise an educational process, which ultimately expresses that guidance itself is education.
(ii) Guidance is a consistent process.
Human existence is dynamic, and the world is likewise undergoing alterations in each phase of the age. So less or more, individuals face specific issues of life and society and try their level best to adjust, not for a few years or a few days, but rather for their entire lifespan.
Since life is brimming with issues, tensions, and anxieties arising from the arrangement of problems, the choice of decisions and making reasonable decisions play an essential role. Indeed, guidance isn’t restricted to specific times of human existence; however, it is required for all occasions to come, which proves that guidance is a consistent process of guidance and counseling.
(iii) Guidance is a bipolar interaction:
Previously, it was pointed out that guidance is a process, service, or program where individuals or people from both sides take part. On one hand, the individual or child plays a main role and requires guidance, and on the other hand, the guidance worker or guide does their task of offering guidance or career counseling in Chennai to the needy person or child.
Of course, in certain situations, the bulk of individuals take guidance from the guidance workers as well. In fact, guidance is a bipolar process where two sides play properly.
(iv) Guidance is general in nature.
Guidance is important for every human life. Since each human life goes through specific issues in its endurance, Some need guidance to take care of the issues of life constantly, while others require it periodically in their lifetime. Starting from here, one might say that guidance is general in nature.
(v) Guidance is assistance at the time of need.
The genuine meaning of guidance reveals that guidance is the kind of help, assistance, or counseling presented by a senior, prepared, experienced, and qualified individual to a needy youngster who lacks knowledge of facing problems or difficulties in life.
(vi) Guidance offers solutions for the problems:
At the point when an individual or child feels unfit to deal with the issues of life, he or she begins going to the entryway of guidance workers. It is because the expert or guidance worker recommends some of the ways of conquering the issues faced by the needy person through guidance counseling.
(vii) Guidance is both specialized and generalized.
Guidance is a generalized service, as it is carried on by parents, teachers, and family members to help or assist the individual child when he or she becomes unable to solve the issues of life. It is not only a generalized service but also a specialized service.
Since in some specific circumstances and setting, the guidance work is done by specially trained and qualified faculties such as psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists who hold various points of view to solve the problems of the children.
(viii) Individual is the essential point of the guidance:
Truly, the individual is the essential focus of guidance as it deals with efficiency, weakness, motives, needs, and interests, including their cautions and care for problems.
(ix) Guidance is organized and systematic.
Guidance is not an unorganized and incidental business as far as its working processes are concerned. It can be more purposeful, effective, and goal-achieving if it becomes more organized, systematic, and well done.
(x) Guidance is a collaborative process.
Obviously, guidance chiefly takes two classes of people, like a guide and a person who looks for guidance. To offer guidance to the technical personnel or the child guidance worker, it requires much information concerning interactive and observational behavior, which might be collected from the teachers, parents, and relatives.
Guidance work can’t be finished and productive without getting the necessary information in regards to children from the closest people. So, at the time of guidance, the technical personnel should be cooperated with by the teachers, parents, and relatives. Due to this reason, guidance is considered a cooperative process.
(xi) Guidance is making decisions:
The significance and nature of guidance will be incomplete if anyone says that it is related to the issues of people and their solutions. Rather, guidance is intended to help the person take care of issues and make his own appropriate choices during a period of scarcity of guidance and counseling.
(xii) Guidance has huge applications in different parts of life.
Guidance doesn’t cover only the problems relating to a few aspects of life, such as vocational, educational, and personal. Rather, the knowledge of guidance is popularly and widely applied to solve problems concerning the social, health, emotional, and marital aspects of human life.
(xiii) Guidance is welcomed for individuals as well as for social development.
The development of society depends on the adjustment, activity, and accomplishment of individuals, as they are a group and part of society. So, the guidance indirectly invites enhancement of society as it desires, believes, and helps best for individual development to the highest extent so far as vocational, educational, and other careers are concerned.
Benefits of having counseling as an integral part of education:
School counselors should acquire a graduate degree in counseling and state-issued certifications for public school positions in many states since they are an integral element of the complete educational system. In addition to students, career counseling programs in Chennai have an optimistic impact on many groups of people in the education system. When the benefits that school counselors afford to parents, administrators, teachers, and students are understood, personnel could help people make the right decisions to pursue their career guidance and counseling.
Student Support:
The greatest advantage of school counselors is that they prepare students for their career, academic, and social challenges by relating educational objectives to their success in the future. They make students great learners and motivate their exploration of careers. Counselors also motivate students to talk to their guardians or parents about the things that they are anxious about. When students do not feel comfortable talking about social or economic problems at home, school counselors may have separate counseling sessions for them. If there is a problem occurring with a bunch of students, a group counseling session may be invalidated. Sometimes, counselors involve the parents in these sessions for major issues to determine whether external support or counseling is necessary.
Guardian/Parent Support:
The support that school counselors offer for guardians and parents is just as essential as the support the support they give to their students. They may encourage parent-teacher, individual, and parent-parent consultations and discussions to ensure that everyone is on the same path when it comes to issues regarding the students, specific educational materials, disciplinary decisions, or social provocations. School counselors might even offer education to parents and act as a resource for those who have queries about child-related problems. They also understand that the parents recognize the services that other staff, such as psychologists, nurses, social workers, and resource teachers, can offer for students who have special abilities. When the parents require extra support, the counselors help them identify it, whether it is within the community or the school system.
Teacher Support:
School counselors offer a lot of support to teachers by finishing a group that can successfully address the educational objectives and requirements of students, prompting an increase in student accomplishments. They can assist with arranging classrooms and group activities that address the students’ needs. Counselors assemble and share resources with teachers to assist the staff with enhancing their abilities in teaching effectiveness and classroom management. They likewise examine students in the playground or classroom and furnish teachers with assistance with their jobs as guides. School counselors review the records of the students as well as ensure that the teachers understand their situations and facilitate teacher-parent conferences.
Administrative Support:
School administrators are liable for running all school tasks, from educational materials to everyday school activities. Career counseling in Chennai is an important part of these responsibilities. They guarantee that the academic mission and the school counseling program align and promote the success of students. Counselors additionally create a framework to deal with the program and help the administration use it successfully to expand students improvement and learning. By assessing the program, they can screen data to make enhancements to it and stabilize its goals with their responsibilities. Moreover, they provide beneficial data from the program for application and funding purposes.
What are the techniques of student counseling?
Students have good hearts, but they become depressed for small issues, so there is a great need for career counseling in Chennai felt in certain schools before they choose any careers well in advance. The school counselors are entirely responsible for offering them ease and solving their problems.
They should make counseling notes and guidance for every student so that they know about their background, their relationships with their parents, and the other members of the family.
Following are the ways that the counselors practice doing counseling for their students in schools in an effective way:
School counselors step forward to help students in the right way. They can offer study-based seminars in all the other aspects as well.
Handling any difference of opinion:
School counselors help the students address any differences of opinion at any cost. If there is any conflict between the students and their parents, teachers, and peers, the counselors would assist them in these situations.
Controlling the special needs of the students:
School counselors should be more particular about controlling the special needs of the students by getting to know their requirements and assisting them in coping with their learning difficulties.
Vocational Guidance:
School counselors offer the best career counseling in Kolkata as they know all about the students, which helps them know about their weaknesses and strengths. So, the counselors can help them choose the best career and opt for it based on their desires. They are the best people to do the career counseling for them and help them become excellent professionals in life.
Early intervention:
School counselors are experienced professionals and know well how to offer appropriate counseling to students. They get training about the learning problems and psychological concerns of the students that are commonly faced by adolescents and children. They also offer referrals, recommendations, and education to the parents about their problems related to mental health.
So, the best teachers are the ones who can play the role of counselor and provide guidance to enhance the overall personality of the student. They can help them initiate the conversations and let the students open up about their fears and feelings.
Thus, guidance and counseling play an important role in the integral part of education so that the students become aware of the things happening all over the world and mold themselves accordingly. When the guides and counselors get to know about the background, interests, and society of the students, they will guide and counsel them in the right way for career enhancement guidance and counseling.