Unknown Facts About Uber

Unknown Facts About Uber | Uber Customer Care Number

Uber is almost used by all of us once in our lifetime for easy transportation and mobility services, facts about Uber. You can book a ride with a tap, provide your pick-up and drop-off addresses, and easily connect with the Uber Customer Care Number. It connects you with the nearest available driver through an app, who will then call you back to confirm the status and pick-up location.

It is a prominent source of income for millions of drivers worldwide, but little do we know about some of its hidden facts. Scroll down to get your hands on some of the hidden company facts you must be aware of, facts about Uber.

  • Three-Employee Policy:

Uber has some unique policies adopted after proper research for easier working and less confusion. Most people are not aware of the company’s Three-Employee Policy. This means that it only appoints three employees from each state and not more than that. There are so many drivers in a city working for the company, and all these have access to call any of the three employees within the dedicated hours for any queries suggestions, or facts about Uber.

For instance, if Uber is in 12 cities in India, then it has only 36 employees in the country as per its policy.

  • Founder Details:

Uber was an initiative by the college dropouts and got its funding from the seniors known to all of us. It was founded back in 2009 in San Francisco, and the names of its founders are Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. He is a dropout from California University in Los Angeles. It was Travis’s third attempt at the business, of which the first one went bankrupt.

The company was funded in its initial stages by Chris Sacca, Google’s Senior Executive, and Jeff Bezos, known worldwide.

  • Rating and Reviews:

We are all aware of the facts and are frequently asked to rate our drivers if we come across any queries. But Uber gives the same option to their drivers as well. Yes, they also have access to rate their customers based on their waiting time, behavior, and other related factors. A lower rating will make you a less preferred customer and might affect the rides in the future. This initiative is also appreciated, as any of the two sides can raise problems.

  • Promotional Rides:

Uber’s marketing techniques are usually different from those of other existing companies. Be it in terms of discounts, offers, or any other attractions, Uber usually offers great deals to its customers, and it was hyped for giving free rides to its new users. Also, it offered a flat 65% off on all the rides to its customers on the 65th Republic Day and offers free rides on occasions like Father’s Day or Mother’s Day; the reason behind the same is expected to be the great and huge funds.

  • Payment Issues:

Uber, a San Francisco-based company, was initially not familiar with cash payments. The user with only credit cards has access to create an account with the company, but being a not-so-friendly mode of payment in India, it was criticized for the same by the RBI, and some objections were also raised for the same. Later, it changed its policies and added many new payment modes for both driver’s and rider’s feasibility.

Along with all these factors, there was also a buzz about the misleading Uber Customer Care Number displayed online. Being a multinational company, many users have added their phone numbers under its customer care name, some of them intending for illegal or misleading services. Hence, it was clarified by its owners only to trust the details provided by the app or on the official websites.

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