nodejs web app If you are familiar with nodejs web app development, you certainly know how annoying blocking I/O is. I/O takes a considerable amount of time, blocking other functions.
NodeJS is considered a gift as it supports an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and the largest ecosystem of open-source libraries, i.e., the npm package ecosystem. This makes it a lightweight and efficient platform that fills a particular need to make the web app development process fast.
Based on the Statista survey, NodeJS stands first among the most used libraries, frameworks, and tools among developers worldwide.
What is NodeJS?
NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that creates web apps with real-time and two-way connections (free exchange of data between client and server). Besides, NodeJS has everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. Further, NodeJS supports building fast, scalable network applications and is equipped with built-in APIs for developing HTTP, TCP, DNS, etc.
Ryan Dahl created NodeJS with the motive of creating real-time websites with push capability. And it got such a great welcome in the tech industry that today popular companies like Amazon, Netflix, eBay, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, PayPal, etc. have adopted NodeJS.
Why Developers Choose NodeJS
Node Package Manager
Although there are several free and open-source packages available on the open web, there may be a small hesitation in using them due to security risks, especially for large, enterprise-level organizations. But NodeJS has a superior package manager for enterprises. By employing and running them behind the company’s firewall, we can ensure high-end security by identifying vulnerabilities and replacing unsafe code.
Furthermore, you can also control who can see the codes. However, to achieve maximum security and get the best out of NodeJS, it is necessary to hire a leading NodeJS development company like Soft Suave. They have worked on numerous NodeJS projects and enjoy a great team of experienced developers, programmers, and designers.
Strong caching and easy scalability
This is one of the major benefits of NodeJS: its powerful ability to cache data. Let me explain it in detail. When a user makes a request to the web app, it caches in-app memory. Then, when requests cycle through execution and re-execution, the nodes can run effectively without being bogged down by historical data. This increases the overall performance of the nodejs web app.
Plus, a developer can easily scale the web app in horizontal as well as vertical directions. For instance, we can scale the app horizontally by adding more nodes to the existing system. Adding extra resources to the single nodes results in vertical scaling.
Considering NodeJS supports predesigned tools and templates and enjoys an extensive package management library, it enables an effortless development process. Moreover, these pre-packaged options enable faster time to market as well as reduce the programming budget. Hence, we can conclude that a startup or an SME with limited time can utilize NodeJS. While other run-time environments take a particular time to develop a web app, NodeJS always streamlines the work better and aids in completing the project.
Real-time communication
Another attractive benefit of NodeJS is that it provides a steady connection between the user and the server. This assures that the server processes the request instantly. In other words, there will be no lag between what a user requests and the corresponding work done by the server. Maintaining this solid connection helps to achieve a maximum user experience. Besides, it supports WebSockets, which is the most popular real-time communication solution right now.
Additionally, NodeJS is recognized as highly extensible, meaning it allows customization as per the requirements. To exchange the data between the web server and the client, we can use JSON.
Eliminates the need for other server-side languages
Since NodeJS is powered by JavaScript, developers can quickly tie nodes into the rest of full-stack development. Hence, complex back-end programming tasks are done effectively without employing other server-side languages. Therefore, we can complete the project by utilizing a widely used programming language, JavaScript. However, many find it difficult to hire a fitting developer. If you are one of them, check out these 10 must-have skills to check before hiring a developer.
Wrapping Up
Overall, NodeJS can handle simultaneous connections with high productivity. Further, it makes sure users are always in sync with you. Apart from this, it has extended the area of JavaScript and is used for both frontend and backend servers.